=env(); function
The =env(); Scripting Engine function gets a platform environment setting from the current installation
The environment function has simple input
Property | Datatype | Default value | Description |
[EnvironmentProperty] | String | The environment property you want to retrieve |
=env(platformVersion); =env(customer); =env(licensesUsed); =env(licensesTotal);
Environment Properties
Environment properties avialable to this function constist of two types:
Static properties
Properties made available through AnalyzePRO code:
Property | Description |
platformVersion | Buildnumber of the current AnalyzePRO installation |
customer | Name of the customer installation |
customerId | Id of the current customer (references online license system) |
expireDate | Date when current framework license expires |
expiresInFortyFiveDays | Boolean flag identifying if current licenses expires in less than forty five days |
expiresInFourteenDays | Boolean flag identifying if current licenses expires in less than fourteen days |
licensesUsed | Number of framework licenses that are currently granted to users |
licensesTotal | Number of framework licenses installed in this system |
=env(platformVersion); | |
Web.config properties
All keys in the appSettings section in the web.config file (except fw_connectionstring) is available to this function:
<add key="ba_version" value="4.2" /> |
=env(ba_version); |
4.2 |