=env(); function


The =env(); Scripting Engine function gets a platform environment setting from the current installation




The environment function has simple input

Property Datatype Default value Description
[EnvironmentProperty] String   The environment property you want to retrieve



Environment Properties

Environment properties avialable to this function constist of two types: 

Static properties

Properties made available through AnalyzePRO code:

Property Description
platformVersion Buildnumber of the current AnalyzePRO installation
customer Name of the customer installation
customerId Id of the current customer (references online license system)
expireDate Date when current framework license expires
expiresInFortyFiveDays Boolean flag identifying if current licenses expires in less than forty five days
expiresInFourteenDays Boolean flag identifying if current licenses expires in less than fourteen days
licensesUsed Number of framework licenses that are currently granted to users
licensesTotal Number of framework licenses installed in this system

Web.config properties

All keys in the appSettings section in the web.config file (except fw_connectionstring) is available to this function:


<add key="ba_version" value="4.2" />