SuperOffice Analyze 8.0 On-premise - Release

  • Posted on: 12 December 2015
  • By: Frode


SuperOffice Analyze 8.0 & My SuperOffice Dashboard
or SuperOffice 8.0 On-Premise

Product version:

SuperOffice Analyze:
2016-02-12 09:04

My SuperOffice dashboard:
2016-02-12 09:06

Release date:

12 February 2016

Platform supported: Analyze PRO 5.3.1
SuperOffice version supported:

SuperOffice CRM 8.0 On-Premise
- Sales & Marketing
- Customer Service
- Quote Management



Support for Stakeholders

New columns in dSale:


Changes in datatables:
with (nolock) add to following tables:

dPerson (remove morefield bug)

Parameter set to runtime mode:

-Static company selection (already set in old version)
-Static person selection (already set in old version)


Change formatting of middlename in queries:

Several changes in combination of the Firstname + MiddleName + Lastname view to support empty columns++


ID Description
6391 Product parameter: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'SUO_597' to data type int.
6816 Changes in firstname, middlename, lastname + associate name all data tables

Usersync issues in SuperOffice Analyze:

1) In users, the External System Reference, Reference #6 is set to NO. This is caused by having the value GB set in your SQL query, instead of US
2) If a user has something in the Chat field in the Contact card in SuperOffice, this is mapped to the email address field in SuperOffice Analyze. This is caused by the SQL query not having type=0 added to the query

8404 Changed default start-up for Created by group



For upgrading and configuration we recommend you to follow the guidelines:



Best regards

Frode Svensson     Erik Burøy
________________________________     ________________________________
Manager Research & Development     Product Manager, SuperOffice Analyze