Summer maintenance release - June 2018

  • Posted on: 29 June 2018
  • By: cynthia@busines...

Summer, sun and warm weather, but isn’t all about the outdoors. In doors our product development team has reviewed error logs and suggestions submitted by you, our super users, and is currently updating 'cloud' customers to a new version of our software. 

All in all, this release includes over 200 maintenance fixes and changes.

Most changes are deep down in the software, but administrators will see a few changes to the administration pages.

Amongst other things, admins can now define which specific dashboard (not only desktop) their users see at start-up.

In parallel with this release, we are continuing to develop sales scoreboards, mobile apps and more.

If you haven’t had a chance to enable the new GDPR dashboards for your organization, this is how to see the video and order.

Have a great summer!

Your team at BA:)


Some fixes we've done

  • Caching is default on when creating a new dataset.
  • You can now change the timeout for the data source without reentering username and password.
  • Removing users from a secondary group should now not fail anymore.
  • You can no longer change the username in the cloud solution.
  • You should now be able to save startup parameters even if a parameter is using the DVAL function.
  • Fixed how the dialog loaded in the data. You can no longer edit any settings before all data is loaded.
  • You should now be able to se the fancy dark background picture if you use that theme.
  • The Business Analyze icon should now show properly in SuperOffice CRM.
  • Fixed language errors in Business Analyze for SuperOffice.
  • Some links from Business Analyze for SuperOffice dashboards to SuperOffice CRM is fixed. Should work fine now.
  • Fixed some issues with the numeric display. It should now allways display a value.
  • Small changes in the logout sequence. You are now properly logged off even when you change solutions.
  • Small layout change in the userinterface when logging on.
  • Long texts when exporting to excel should no longer crash the export.
  • Scoreboard dashboards are now available for everyone (sales and activity scorebord).
  • New parameters in the appointment dashboards. "Base budget on": Registered or Done date. "Display type": Master, slave, all (who registered the activity)
  • You can no longer set minute caching lower then 10 minutes.
  • Added two new ways to group on the date column (grouping dialog): Date-Hour and Year-day.
  • Added a new dashboard to the system desktop that shows follow-ups and comments from the mobile app.
  • Change default startup parameters on the "Self Service - product analysis" dashboard.
  • Added a short help description in the dialog from where you save startup parameters.
  • Few improvements to the user sync 

We have done many minor fixes. We also made this version compatible with Business Analyze Mobile App that's comming soon!